Y4 Walesby Residential
The children have had a great start to the afternoon at Walesby, some have taken part in orienteering, raffle shooting and archery. We have made our beds and are ready for evening activities.
This evening we took on a Quiz, Miss Green was our winner . All the children are in bed for what we hope is a peaceful nights sleep
ready for a day full of adventures tomorrow!
After a successful nights sleep we have eaten breakfast and enjoying our first activity of the day crate stacking before taking part in some archery
The sun came out in time for archery, Benjamin has hit a bulls eye I wonder if anyone else will 

The children have been complimented by the instructor about quickly they have picked up on these new skills 

After lunch some children enjoyed the climbing wall & the swing 

The children are currently enjoying some free time before dinner and our evening activity 

We have some very brave children who have taken on the ‘Leap of Faith’ this morning. All the children showed our values of resilience and determination to reach the top.
They are all excited for cave maze next. Keep an eye out for these afternoons pictures at the Lake. Miss Green is very excited for the lake.
We’re enjoying our final activities this morning at Walesby. Taking on some Team Building and Tomahawks. We will be taking on the Night Line before having lunch and heading back.
We have a set of very tired children I’m sure they will sleep well tonight