Success in mathematics is best achieved through exploration, practise, clarification and application of time. We believe that it should be accessible for all and allow every child to progress, develop their ability and increase their academic achievement.
The National Curriculum for Maths aims for all children: to become fluent in the fundamentals of maths; be able to reason mathematically; can solve problems using their mathematical knowledge. At Southfield Primary, these skills are embedded within our maths lessons and developed consistently over time. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to understand the importance of maths and how it is used in our everyday lives.
Teachers and children use Power Maths to help them support their learning in maths. This scheme of work is new to us as a school (September 2021) and we are all enjoying our exciting and challenging mathematical journey which is being reviewed and developed.
The mastery approach at Southfield allows children to work together as a class on their fluency skills at very regular intervals. Some children will need further support with this area depending on their individual need and either the class teacher or teaching assistant will provide that support where appropriate. Children will then progress to an activity that allows them to consolidate their learning and apply their work in a new way. Children who are then confident and able to do so will then move to a problem that will give them the opportunity to work on their reasoning and application skills.
Why We Do What We Do In Maths